Lord Buddha Teachings About Sacrifice

Lord Buddha Teachings About Sacrifice
At the time when Lord Buddha Teachings  were being popular the most Brahamanic or Vedic religion was based on sacrifice.Some were called Nittya and some scrifices were called Naimitik.The Nittya Sacrifices were obligations and had to be performed whether one got got any fruit or not.The Naimitik sacrifices were performed when the performer wants to gain something by way of worldly advantage.These vedic sacrifices involved drinking,killing animals and merry-making.Yet these sacrifices were held as religious observances.The  Teachings of Lord Buddha declined to regard a religion based on sacrifice as worth having.

Lord Buddha Teachings with Kutadanta Brahaman

Lord Buddha Said to Kutadanta,"Long ago there was a king by name of Maha Vigetawith great wealth and property.Once Maha Vigeta was sitting alone in Meditataion He became anxious at the thought,"I have aboundance allthe good things a mortal can enjoy.The whole wide circle of the earth is mine to conquest and to posses.It were well to offer a great sacrifice that should ensure me weal and welfare to for many days.He did sacrifice at the advice of his advivers and at that scrifice neither any oxen,neither goats ,nor fowls nor fatted pigs,nor were any kinds of living creatures put to death.No trees were cut down to be used as posts,no Dabba Grass mown to to strew around the sacrificial posts.And the slaves and messengers and workman there employed were driven neithr by rods nor fear.With ghee,and oil,and butter,and milk and honey,and sugar only was that sacrifice accomplished."Let your sacrifice be such as King Maha Vigeta if you at all wish a sacrifice.Sacrifices are waste.Animal sacrifices are cruelties. Sacrifices are not part of religion.It is worst form of religion which says you can go to heaven by killing an animal.
Kutadanta asked Lord Buddha ,Is there any other sacrifice with more fruitful and having more advantage than killing animals."
Lord Buddha said,"Yes there is.When a man with trusting heart takes upon himself the precepts-abstinence of destroying life; abstinence from taking what has not to be given;abstinence from evil conduct in respect of lusts;abstinence from lying words;abstinence from strong intoxicating,maddening drinks.Sacrifice the carelessness is better sacrifice."
Kutadanta heartly satisfied with Lord Buddha Teachings.

Lord Buddha Teachings With Ujjaya Brahaman

Ujjaya Brahaman asked to Lord Buddha,"Pray does worthy Gautama praise sacrifice?"
Lord Buddha Said,"No Brahaman I do not praise every sacrifice.Brahaman cows are slaughtered,goats and sheeps are slaughtered ,poltryand pigs are slaughtered, such sacrifice having butchery i do not praise."He said,"Sacrifices having charity,an oblation for the welfare of the family is praised by me."

Lord Buddha Teachings With Udayain

Brahaman asked same the question which was asked by the Ujjaya Brahaman. Lord Buddha said "Fit sacrifice performed in season due and free from cruelty,to such draw near Those well trained in Good life ,even those who have the veil rolled back while (yet on Earth),Who have transcended time and going .Such do the enlightened praise' 'those skilled in merit,"Whether in sacrifice or act of faith,oblation fitly made with heart devout To that good field of merit-those who live.The good life sacrificed. conferred,-so given lavish the the offerings;devas there with are pleased,thus offerings,the thoughtful,thereby becoming wise,Wins the blissful world from suffering free.He was greatly influenced by the Lord Buddha Teachings

