Conversion Of Upali (Barber)
Lord Buddha converted many people in to his Dhamma(religion) through his teachings. Lord Buddha Teachings put such influence that anybody could hardly deny to accept those doctrines. Upali was a barber ,he was going some where ,thinking that Sakyans are fierce people.He had ornaments .He thought that they would understand he had collected it by killing his companions.So he hid ornaments on a tree thinking it would be reward for that who finds that ornaments .Sakyan saw him coming and asked why he had not gone.Hr told about his felt.They took to him to the blessed one and said to Lord Buddha admit him to order before to them causing they want to bow down before him.Then the Lord Buddha recieved first Upali ,the barber,and after that those young men of Sakyan clan.
Conversion Of Sunita(Sweeper)
Sunita was a scavenger living at Rajgrah He earned his living as road sweeper.His profession was considered low. One day Blessed One Lord Buddha rose and walked in Rajgraha for alms.At that time Sunita was cleaning the street.When he saw Lord Buddha and his a large number of Bhikkus coming his heart fill with joy. He saluted Lord Buddha with both hands.Lord Buddha asked him why he is living in that misery condition and asked him to join the order.Lord Buddha leading him to Vihara taught the Dhamma(religion).He told him that by the discipline of holy life,restraint and mastery of self , a man becomes holy. Due do influence of Lord Buddha Teachings he became a respectable Bhikku.
Conversion Of Sopaka And Suppiya(Untouchables)
Sopaka was a pariah of Shravasti.His mother died after giving him birth.He was adopted by a watch man of cemetery and brought by his own son Suppiya. One day Lord Buddha was passing by the cemetery .Sopaka seeing him approached him.After saluting Him he asked to him as his disciple. Sopaka went and fetched his father .The father saluted him and requested him to admit his son to order.Notwithstanding that he belonged to a pariah community the Lord Buddha admit him to the order and instructed him in doctrine and discipline. Sopaka later became a Thera.Suppiya also learned doctrine from his companion Sopaka and requested to admit him to the order.
Several Conversions(Low Castes)
1.Sumangla a peasant of Shravasti
2.Channa a native of Kapilvastu and slave in the house of Suddhodana
3.Dhaniya was a potter resident of Rajgraha
4.Kappatta-Kura a very poor of Shravasti living at the selling of grass
Due to the magic of Lord Buddha Teachings above mentioned all people became a noble and true man preaching Dhamma (religion) of Lord Buddha .